Wednesday, August 31, 2016
August 2016 Reading
The Greater Journey by David McCullough (audiobook) During the late 1800's many Americans traveled to Paris and spent time in Europe and it greatly influenced their lives back in the USA for generations to come. I was extremely interested in this observation of how Paris and European travel influenced the growth of America into the 20th century
The Human Line by Ellen Bass (library) book of poetry, out of my comfort zone for the Summer Book Bingo at the Seattle Public Library. So much about her mother's death which was depressing. Not a happy uplifting book.
Raymie Nightingale by Kate DiCamillo (library) By the author of Because of Winn Dixie. This book is very similar, so if you liked that one, you will like this one. Raymie is another young girl in the south, making friends with unusual characters.
The Ghost Bride by Yangsze Choo (library) a girl is to be married to the dead son of a family to appease his ghost. I had high hopes for this ghost story/love story. But it was just okay
I am Legend by Richard Matheson (library) I have been meaning to read this ever since the Will Smith movie came out years ago. I gotta say, I like the movie better. The change to Zombies from Vampires was better in my opinion.
Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder (library) Might be my favorite of the little house books. I still have on my bucket list to visit the Wilder Farm site in Malone, NY
Free Fire by CJ Box This one is set in Yellowstone and I enjoyed that aspect of it. Plus the weird legal loophole premise was interesting.
League of Denial by Mark Fainaru-Wada (library) made into the movie Concussion. Very good and something that I would not have learned about otherwise, since I am not so much into sports.
Salt, Sugar, Fat by Michael Moss (library) just more information about why I should not be eating processed foods. *sigh*
Cherry Ames Rural Nurse by Helen Wells Just happened to have this one in my car when I needed something to read while waiting...Cherry is working in Iowa as the only nurse in an entire county with a single Doctor. Doctor Hal Miller. The book takes place over the Labor Day weekend and as summer transitions into fall in this rural farming community.
Monopoly, The World's Most Famous Game and How it Got that Way by Philip Orbanes The History of the Monopoly game. I learned some new things. It was not just all about Atlantic City, NJ!
Versions of Us by Laura Barnett (library) If you are a fan of stuff like the movie Sliding Doors, the " "what if " type stuff. This book is for you. I really enjoyed it. Basically it follows 3 different versions of the same couple. It was a little hard to get into....Each chapter switches to a different narrative, but once I could keep the different versions straight, I really liked it. I know I sometimes think.....what if I had taken the job with Disney? or what if I had not gone to Portland to meet Ryan? how would my life be different?
My Name is Leon by Kit de Waal (library) about a boy in foster care in the UK. a little depressing, but hopeful
Truly, Madly, Guilty by Liane Moriarty (library) I am usually a fan of this author, but this one was just okay. Dysfunctional relationships among a group of neighbors.
The Postcard Killers by Liza Marklund and James Patterson (audiobook) had this one in the car while driving to trailheads for hike-a-thon. It was an okay thriller. I liked the Swedish location stuff
The Imperial Wife by Irina Reyn (library) modern Russian Art expert and Empress Catherine I liked the old stuff better than the modern stuff chapters went back and forth
The After Party by Anton Di Sclafani (library) Oh my goodness, such a build up. It went on and on and on and when the big reveal finally comes...Meh, but I do enjoy books set in the 50's with women smoking and drinking and leaving their children in the care of nannies and black maids in the south.
Alice's Tulips by Sandra Dallas (library) on my quest to read everything by this author, I really really enjoyed this one. It is written as a series of letters by a new wife left behind when her husband goes off to war (Civil War). She was so interesting and I really enjoyed how the story was laid out via the letters. And it has a quilting theme!! So Diane and Suzi (and Kathy!! ) you guys might enjoy this one too!!
Once Upon a Time There was You by Elizabeth Berg (audiobook) I bought a bunch of these at the library book sale because I knew I had to have stuff to listen to in the car this summer with all my driving back and forth to trailheads. I had forgotten that THIS one was the one where the daughter is abducted....not my favorite of her books. But it passes the time well when I am driving in the mountains and can't get a radio signal.
Shucked by Erin Byers Murray (library) A food writer decides to spend time working on an oyster farm in Massachusetts. I liked this look at the oyster from the farm to my mouth!! LOL Alisa, you might want to try this one.
Bound by Donna Jo Napoli (library) Basically the Cinderella story in Chinese form. I liked it
For those of you who are supporting Ryan and me for the WTA hike-a-thon this year, Here is the link to our donation page! We are still accepting donations thru Sept 7th!! Hike-a-thon
Monday, August 29, 2016
Monday's Postcard 2016: Antique Flowers and Gold
Both of these postcards are from the early 1900's. One is postmarked 1911 and the other 1914. My Granny loved gold and both of these postcards remind me of her and her love of gaudy gold. Her birthday would have been this week. For those of you who are supporting Ryan and me for the WTA hike-a-thon this year, Here is the link to our donation page! Hike-a-thon
Saturday, August 27, 2016
National Parks were FREE this weekend!!
I did 4. 5 miles on the Alki Beach Trail on 8/24 From Me Kwa Mooks Park to Jack Block Park
Weatherwatch Park |
The view from Cormorant Cove |
Lots of sidewalk street walking, but the little parks keep popping up |
Charles Richey Viewpoint just past Constellation Park |
Palm Trees on Alki |
Seals out on this barge in Eliot Bay |
View from Jack Block Park |
I went back to Marination Kai to have lunch after my hike! |
Unfortunately, it was high tide or I would have walked out to the Alki Lighthouse from the waterside...which is one of my favorite things to do. Ryan does this hike almost every single day that he is in Seattle. He calls it his Alki Walk. You leave from our house and go down to the water and come out close to Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook and then he walks all the way around Alki Beach passing so many little "pocket parks" Me Kwa Mooks, Weather Watch, Cormorant Cove, Constellation, Charles Richey Viewpoint, until you get to the Alki Beach area from there, you hike on around Duwamish Head and towards the West Seattle Bridge. Just past Salty's on Alki is Jack Block Park. They used to have really neat information signs about the port at this park, but they are gone now. Probably the victims of vandalism. I learned a lot about the Port of Seattle from those signs that are now gone. But the views are still awesome from Jack Block Park. You can see all of the Port and downtown Seattle.
So far my total mileage for hike-a-thon is 33 miles and we have raised $809 for the WTA
Just click "Sponsor Me" to make a donation. Thank you in advance for your generosity! And for those folks who don't want to send money thru the internet. The old fashioned way of writing a check and putting it in the mail works too. Just make checks out to WTA and you can send them to me at PO Box 16131 Seattle, WA 98116 Many Thanks to Gretchen who made a donation this week!! September 7th is the LAST Day for contributions!! (Suzi!!)
Monday, August 22, 2016
Monday's Postcard 2016: Animals
Just some random postcards with wildlife on them. Postcards like these can be found all over the country. And they can be found at National Parks all over the USA. This year is the centennial year of the National Park Service! August 25, 2016.
For those of you who are supporting Ryan and me for the WTA hike-a-thon this year, Here is the link to our donation page! Hike-a-thon
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Training for the Camino!
At the end of the summer, I am going to meet Ryan in Portugal and walk with him to Santiago, Spain on the Portuguese Route of the Camino de Santiago. So I have been "in training" getting used to a new backpack and carrying more weight than I usually carry while hiking. Luckily, I don't have to carry a lot because we will be staying in albergues (hostels) and we will be walking through towns everyday, so I don't have to carry several weeks worth of food and water. Nor do I need to carry a tent or extensive sleeping bags etc.
My Portuguese phrase book, Camino Map and my Credential |
Just an oversized day pack really! |
On the Green River Trail for Hikeathon |
Green River Trail on a Sunny Sunday |
So on Sunday, August 14th, I did 4 miles on the Green River Trail wearing my Camino Backpack.
On Monday, August 15th I traveled over to Bellevue to hike around the Mercer Slough Nature Trails. I did the Heritage Trail, The Bellefields Trail and the Lake to Lake Trail for a total of 2 miles of hiking.
Lots of folks out on the water trail today!! |
Flowering shrubs near the boardwalk |
Unfortunately, the Blueberry Farm Farmstand is CLOSED on Mondays. So I did not get to pick any blueberries (although I did notice that some folks were just walking in and picking some for themselves anyway) or purchase any produce for my dinner. I had to go to the Safeway Grocery Store instead. Not much fun in that.
August 16th found me at Seward Park in Seattle. I hiked for 2 miles around this park in the city on the loop trail and Sqebeqsed Trail
Seward Park |
Gorgeous Afternoon |
I wish I could have gone in the water |
August 17th Dash Point Park, 2 more miles!! The backpack is just second nature to me now. I think it will work out splendidly in Portugal.
evidence of logging in Dash Point Park |
The Beach at Dash Point Park |
Container ship headed for the Port at Tacoma |
I've done 28.5 miles so far this month and we have raised $739 dollars!! Thanks so much to Angele!! They finally credited your donation!
For those of you who are supporting Ryan and me for the WTA hike-a-thon this year, Here is the link to our donation page! Hike-a-thon Many thanks to for their donations this week!!
Monday, August 15, 2016
Monday's Postcard 2016: Gnomes
This year's postcard theme is that you don't have to travel to find postcards. But so many of my quirky postcards do come from my travels. I visit bookstores and card shops all over the country. From a Hallmark store in New Jersey to an independent bookstore in Iowa, I am always on the lookout for fun postcards to send to my friends.
For those of you who are supporting Ryan and me for the WTA hike-a-thon this year, Here is the link to our donation page! Hike-a-thon And I promise to send you a postcard if you give me your address too! Many thanks to Lisa and John S. for their donations this week!
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Urban Hiking around Seattle
So glad to be back home in Seattle to get in a few miles on my home turf. My first day back I did one mile at Lincoln Park on the Beach and Bluff Trails. It was an absolutely gorgeous afternoon in West Seattle, as you can see from this photo.
August 9th found me checking out the new extension of the Des Moines Creek Trail. This trail is always on my hike-a-thon list because it is very close to the airport and easy for me to just hop over and do a mile or two. Unfortunately, there is all sorts of road construction (or is it construction for the Light Rail??) Anyway it was difficult to get to the North End of the Des Moines Creek Trail where I usually park and walk from, so I drove on down to what I consider the new END of the Trail at Des Moines Beach Park and I parked there and hiked back up towards the airport.
The trail used to end here at the water treatment plant, but now you get to go around it and down to the Beach!! Very cool in my opinion. I only did 2 miles on the Des Moines Creek Trail. When I reached the water treatment plant, I turned around and headed back to the Beach. By the way, there were crowds of people wandering around the Beach Park with their cell phones out, so I think it was a big Pokeman Go spot. Myself and a lone bicyclist were the only ones who left the beach area and headed out on the trail !! LOL
After a few days at work and time spent by the pool in Las Vegas, I came home and did 3 miles on the Longfellow Creek Trail in West Seattle. Another "go to" trail for me. The Longfellow Creek trail is in my "backyard" here in West Seattle and I usually include it for Hike-a-thon every year.
So far I only have 18.5 miles for hike-a-thon, but Ryan and I have raised $599 for Washington Trails! Our goal is $1500,,,,,,so we still have about 900 dollars to go....I just need 900 of you guys reading this to send in one dollar each!! Send us a dollar!! For Washington Trails!!
For those of you who are supporting Ryan and me for the WTA hike-a-thon this year, Here is the link to our donation page! Hike-a-thon Many thanks to Ray, Gwen, JT and Steve for their donations this week!!
Fauntleroy Ferries coming and going |
August 9th found me checking out the new extension of the Des Moines Creek Trail. This trail is always on my hike-a-thon list because it is very close to the airport and easy for me to just hop over and do a mile or two. Unfortunately, there is all sorts of road construction (or is it construction for the Light Rail??) Anyway it was difficult to get to the North End of the Des Moines Creek Trail where I usually park and walk from, so I drove on down to what I consider the new END of the Trail at Des Moines Beach Park and I parked there and hiked back up towards the airport.
The Beach at the End of the Des Moines Creek Trail |
The water treatment plant, worst part of Des Moines Creek Trail |
Dragonfly Pavilion |
Longfellow Creek |
After a few days at work and time spent by the pool in Las Vegas, I came home and did 3 miles on the Longfellow Creek Trail in West Seattle. Another "go to" trail for me. The Longfellow Creek trail is in my "backyard" here in West Seattle and I usually include it for Hike-a-thon every year.
So far I only have 18.5 miles for hike-a-thon, but Ryan and I have raised $599 for Washington Trails! Our goal is $1500,,,,,,so we still have about 900 dollars to go....I just need 900 of you guys reading this to send in one dollar each!! Send us a dollar!! For Washington Trails!!
For those of you who are supporting Ryan and me for the WTA hike-a-thon this year, Here is the link to our donation page! Hike-a-thon Many thanks to Ray, Gwen, JT and Steve for their donations this week!!
Monday, August 08, 2016
Monday's Postcard 2016: Fishermen
I just love the artwork on these postcards. The artist is Claude Howell from North Carolina and the series is called Mending Nets. I might frame these one day and put them on my walls, but for now, I will share them with you. For those of you who are supporting Ryan and me for the WTA hike-a-thon this year, Here is the link to our donation page! Hike-a-thon
Sunday, August 07, 2016
Yosemite for Hike-a-thon!!
This year Hike-a-thon started out with a bang as Ryan and I traveled to Fresno, CA on August 1st and then drove to the Nelder Grove in Oakhurst, CA to camp out and hike among the Giant Sequoia Grove there. 
The next day we got into Yosemite Park early to snag a campsite for the next 4 days and Ryan hiked from Tuolumne Meadows to Tenaya Lake. I did a mile around Tenaya Lake and then just relaxed. 
August 3rd, Ryan started his trek of the John Muir Trail doing Vernal Falls and on to Tuolumne Meadow, I just went to the Falls and back to visit Yosemite Village in the Valley. 
I arrived in Tuolumne Meadows to pick up Ryan and I had some time to spare, so I hiked out to see Soda Springs in the Tuolumne Meadow for another 1.5 miles.
Then Ryan did a few more miles across Tuolumne Meadow to the Tulumne Lodge. I hiked out a half a mile and back while waiting for him to arrive.
On August 6th. I left Ryan to continue on the John Muir Trail all the way to Mount Whitney. As I left Yosemite, I stopped in the Wawona area and did the Meadow Loop Trail for 3.5 more miles for hike-a-thon.
So far I have a total of 12.5 miles for Hike-a-thon and we have raised $419 dollars for the WTA. We are half way to our goal!!
Just click "Sponsor Me" to make a donation. Thank you in advance for your generosity! And for those folks who don't want to send money thru the internet. The old fashioned way of writing a check and putting it in the mail works too. Just make checks out to WTA and you can send them to me at PO Box 16131 Seattle, WA 98116 Many Thanks to Jennifer and Janet who made donations this week!!
Wednesday, August 03, 2016
Stories from Hike-a-thons Past
Ryan and I have been participating in the Washington Trails Association Hike-a-thon every August for the past 12 years and we have some really interesting stories. Like the year when I slipped on a beach log and gave myself a black eye!!
Beach Logs Can KILL!
Then there is the year when my sister and I were hiking on the Olympic Peninsula and my car broke down and had to be towed back to Seattle on the FERRY!
Hike-a-thon is Off to a Rousing Start
The year that we got most of our miles hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail.
Last Miles for Hike-a-thon 2010
And the year we did a backpacking trip up the Tubal Cain Trail to see the remains of a 60 year old airplane crash
Week 4 of Hike-a-thon 2014
I can't wait to see what adventures this year will bring!! Just click "Sponsor Me" to make a donation. Thank you in advance for your generosity! And for those folks who don't want to send money thru the internet. The old fashioned way of writing a check and putting it in the mail works too. Just make checks out to WTA and you can send them to me at PO Box 16131 Seattle, WA 98116
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soon to be a black eye |
Beach Logs Can KILL!
Then there is the year when my sister and I were hiking on the Olympic Peninsula and my car broke down and had to be towed back to Seattle on the FERRY!
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getting towed on the ferry |
Hike-a-thon is Off to a Rousing Start
The year that we got most of our miles hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail.
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Excited to be on the PCT |
Last Miles for Hike-a-thon 2010
And the year we did a backpacking trip up the Tubal Cain Trail to see the remains of a 60 year old airplane crash
debris near our campsite |
Week 4 of Hike-a-thon 2014
I can't wait to see what adventures this year will bring!! Just click "Sponsor Me" to make a donation. Thank you in advance for your generosity! And for those folks who don't want to send money thru the internet. The old fashioned way of writing a check and putting it in the mail works too. Just make checks out to WTA and you can send them to me at PO Box 16131 Seattle, WA 98116
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