I got to spend a day in Rome this past week on a layover. Christmas in Rome is all about the Nativity. There are Nativity scenes set up in all the major plazas and in front of the churches around town. In December Piazza Navona, is transformed into a huge Christmas market. A large nativity scene is in the square. Stalls sell all kinds of Christmas nativity figures,

The Piazza Navonna was filled with places to purchase nativity stuff. Like furnishing dollhouses or building a model train layout. There were all sorts of things to put together to build your own nativity.
I also walked around town to see my favorite tourist attractions in Rome. The mouth of truth, La Bocca della Verità , is my favorite. Anyone who had seen Roman Holiday with Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn is familiar with this sculpture.

Bocca della Verita
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire! Why don't I see this in the USA more? I can't resist roasted chestnuts! So yummy, hot and served in a paper cone.

I also walked by the forum, where I saw this bride and groom getting their wedding photos taken!