This is a postcard from Ryan's Appalachian Trail Hike in 2003. I went to visit him in Erwin, TN. In 1916, this circus elephant, "Murderous Mary", was convicted of killing her trainer in Kingsport, TN and they transported her to Erwin to hang her from a railroad derrick crane, the only means available at the time for a humane disposal of her.
We did a lot of great hikes in North Carolina and Tennessee along that section of the Appalachian Trail. This year I have been doing a lot of fun hikes for the Washington Trails Association Hike-a-thon. If you have not already, consider donating a dollar or two to this great cause. Ryan and I use the trails in Washington all the time and this is our chance to give back and help maintain the trails by soliciting your donations! Check out my WTA page and make a donation, every little bit helps! WTA Hike-a-thon Thanks so much to Shirley for our most recent donation! Only $375 more dollars to go to reach our goal. And I have been totally remiss not to give you guys the address to mail checks! Checks should be made out to WTA (Washington Trails Association) and can be sent to me at: Amanda Arkebauer PO Box 16131 Seattle, WA 98116
Love all of your post cards and traveling vicariously through them. gotta say though, this is the most disturbing one :( Poor elephant, probably killed her handler because he beat her with a large cane with a metal hook on the end. That's the minimum of abuse she would have received. Not to mention being taken from the wild and her family. Elephants have some of the strongest familial ties of any other animal.
Sorry, about the soapbox rant, one of my sore spots. Keep up the cool postcards please so I can "travel" :)
sooooooooooooooo sad
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