(from When We Were Very Young)
They're changing guard at Buckingham Palace - Christopher Robin went down with Alice. Alice is marrying one of the guard. "A soldier's life is terribly hard," Says Alice.
They're changing guard at Buckingham Palace - Christopher Robin went down with Alice. We saw a guard in a sentry-box. "One of the sergeants looks after their socks," Says Alice.

They're changing guard at Buckingham Palace - Christopher Robin went down with Alice. We looked for the King but he never came. "Well, God take care of him, all the same," Says Alice.
They're changing guard at Buckingham Palace - Christopher Robin went down with Alice. They've great big parties inside the grounds. "I wouldn't be King for a hundred pounds," Says Alice.
They're changing guard at Buckingham Palace - Christopher Robin went down with Alice. A face looked out, but it wasn't the King's. "He's much too busy a-signing things," Says Alice.
They're changing guard at Buckingham Palace - Christopher Robin went down with Alice. "Do you think the King knows all about me?" "Sure to, dear, but it's time for tea," Says Alice

I had a lovely day in London. The weather was wonderful as you can see from the photos. I had perfect timing to catch the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. It was very crowded. I was lucky to get a spot by the fence. The crowd was at least 3 rows deep and once you were in the front, you didn't want to leave because you might not get back up there again. The queen was not in residence. The Union Jack was flying over the Palace. If the queen is at home, they fly a different flag, called the Royal Standard. It is much like standing around and watching a parade go by. The guards march up and down and to and fro, it gets old after a while. I took the videos by holding my hands up through the bars of the fence. The last video of the guards leaving reminded me of the scene in the Wizard of Oz when they sneak into the castle.

What a cool thing it must be to be able to travel all over like this! London sounds fun =D
Amanda, thanks for the memories. My Mum was from England and used to sing this song to us. She passed away last year at 88 years of age. The phrase "Rum, pum, pum" (like a drum beat)was sung after each verse. She had so many tales to tell...the different flags were also flown on the royal yacht when the Queen was on board. Cheerio! Purple Mermaid
Changing (or mounting) the guard is one of the great free spectacles in London. Remember half an hour before the ceremony at Buckingham Palace there is also the mounting of the Queen's Life Guard at Horse Guards Parade (at the opposite end of St james Park). This is the smaller, mounted guard, because it is less well known it easy to get a good view.
Dilton mMrtian
Thank you for taking me back to the first place I went on my 21st birthday, which was also my first week as a study abroad student. I even got a kiss on the cheek by a Welsh soccer player.What a magical time! - WalesFlyerMary
Also over by the Horse Guards, you can get right up next to the guards with the Big Bear Skin hats, great photo op!! I have pictures from the 90's over there
Come and watch the change of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetery. Much more precise, and shorter. A must see.
And I love that verse. It was the first appearance of Christopher Robin in writing. I didn't remember there were so many stanzas.
We have done the tomb of the unknown soldier! although my main focus was looking for the grave of Walter Karig...a Nancy Drew Ghost Writer! :-)
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