Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Thanks to my Hike-a-thon supporters!!

I want to thank Diane and John and Michael Merino for contributing to my Hike-a-thon campaign! The WTA has loosened the rules for hike-a-thon this year because of covid and any mileage you do no matter where it is will be counted. So when we do an Alki Walk here in Seattle, we used to just count the 4 miles or so that we hiked on the Alki Trail, now we can count the two miles that it takes us to get there and back from our house!!  This works well for me, because I would often be on a layover in a city somewhere with no named trail to hike. Now I can do 5 miles walking around downtown Los Angeles and have it count for hike-a-thon. 

I hope I can count on all of you guys again this year for support. Any amount from $1 to $100 is welcome.
You can click on this link to go to my WTA fundraiser page

or you can send me a check (made out to WTA (Washington Trails Association) or just a dollar in the mail would be very welcome. Thanks so much to everyone who has supported this cause in the past and hopefully again this year!

to: Amanda Arkebauer PO Box 16131 Seattle, WA  98116

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