Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday's Postcard 2014: My favorite!! How did you know?!

Some folks know what I like!! These postcards were sent to me by some of my letterboxing friends and depict some of my favorite things, Winnie the Pooh and Buckeye candies!!!

And one of my other favorite things is hiking in Washington State!! I've been having a great time this August hiking trails and raising money to help support Washington Trails. I hope you can help me out by donating a dollar or two to the cause!  We are still $300 away from our goal. Which sounds like alot, but I have 300 facebook friends. If everyone just gave me one dollar, I would have that $300!! So anything you can donate is worth it ...just follow this link and help me help Washington State Trails. There is still time. If you are mailing me a check or some cash, I have to have it by the first week of September. And if you follow the link, it gets here immediately! If you don't like sending money over the internet, you can always send me a check (made out to Washington Trails Association -WTA) or cash to Amanda Arkebauer  PO Box 16131 Seattle, WA  98116

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