The card on the left is not very politically correct. Here is the text from the back of the card:"Wild Natives and Their Home, Interior of Panama. Thirty miles north of the canal, almost within sight and hearing of the industrious army busily engaged in bisecting a hemisphere for Uncle Sam, the natives are wild. As witnessed by the photograph of the young fellow taken under difficulties in the shade of the almost leafless Paupalla tree on the left, very little consideration is given to the question of clothes." I imagine you would have difficulties taking a picture if you were a white man trying to grab a young, naked black boy and hold him still for a photo!

I've got to ask, what is going on in the second card?
Exactly, it is sort of creepy
And this is the exact quote on the back of the card: "Wild Natives and Their Home, Interior of Panama. Thirty miles north of the canal, almost within sight and hearing of the industrious army busily engaged in bisecting a hemisphere for Uncle Sam, the natives are wild. As witnessed by the photograph of the young fellow taken under difficulties in the shade of the almost leafless Paupalla tree on the left, very little consideration is given to the question of clothes."
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