Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday's Postcard: Large Letters States

I love the Large Letter Postcards. These cards evolved from turn-of-the-cenury greeting cards with black and white images of women's faces that spelled out a woman's name or the year. The use of views of a city or town were next in the evolution of the postcard. The large letters spelling out the name of the city or town were usually preceded with "Greetings from . . ."

The first large letter postcards date from about 1901 and they were of black and white photo montages or hand-drawn images in the letters against a black background. Large letter postcards reached their peak in popularity during the 1930's and 40's. Actual photographic images began to appear in the backgrounds. The cards from the 1950's are the most colorful.

I want to collect one of each of the 50 states and believe it or not, I still have a long way to go!

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