I began collecting postcards as a child while accompanying my Mom and Granny to Antique Stores and Flea Markets. I got dragged along on these shopping expeditions and after playing with the resident cat, my sister and I would be extremely bored. In order to give us something to occupy ourselves, my Mom would give us 50 cents and tell us to find something to buy. Postcards were often 5 or 10 cents. You could buy one or two and still have money left over for a Coca-Cola and a package of Lance crackers. While the older generation was debating the merits of chairs and tables. My sister and I were poring over boxes of cards trying to decide on the perfect one to buy. These postcards of scenes from the Valley Forge area were likely purchased while on a trip to Pennsylvania and Delaware visiting relatives.
My Mom had us get a postcard on every family vacation / trip. Then we put them in a scrapbook along with a memory of the trip. - It's nice to look back at that book. - Good times.
Sounds like you have some good memories too because of post cards. :)
those are so pretty and thanks for letting us know why you started this....i collected postcards years ago as a child and am sorry i didn't keep them they were all cards people sent us ... Suzy
Very nice. There are a couple Mapsurfer Letterboxes nearby....
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